#16 Most Viewed Musician on YouTube Today!


I am speechless. Absolutely speechless. HUGE THANKS to everyone who watched my Born This Way/Express Yourself mash-up. (& the other videos at my channel) Because of you I have become the #16 Most Viewed Musician on YouTube today! And this is on a GLOBAL scale! I am pleasantly shocked/surprised and I owe it all to you guys! I can not thank you enough.

To everyone who’s downloaded my album: THANK YOU SO MUCH for giving me a chance by listening to this album. It took an entire year of hard work & dedication and to know that you are all listening to it and enjoying it means the world to me. All my hard work has officially paid off.

To everyone who’s bought the album on iTunes: Please forward the iTunes receipt email that states that you bought the album along with your name, cell phone number & postal mail address to omar@omarafuni.com so I can thank you properly. ;)

Thank you all for making me a few steps closer to making my dreams come true. x




'Resurrected' is RELEASED!