Opening for Akon!


Tonight, the dream of opening a show for an international superstar became a reality. I opened for Akon in Stockholm, Sweden. As I type these words, I’m actually a little bit in disbelief. Going from doing YouTube videos in my bedroom to that is mind-blowing to me.

I performed an all original set of 4 songs; Music Therapy and Where I Can Dance, plus two new songs from my upcoming album. I had never performed on a stage like that to a crowd that big. The audience was so warm and were mouthing the words to the songs halfway through them. The energy was phenomenal.

This will be a moment that I will always remember. Special thanks go to the #irespectlife campaign for making it possible and to my fellow artists who performed with me.

I can’t wait to share my new music with you.




‘Resurrect Me’ (Acoustic)